Sunday, August 23, 2009


Our son's first word was dada. It was his word for everything, and it seemed to go on for months until one day he said mama. After mama, he started to say babo (Italian name for daddy) and now he can't stop with the B's. Over the last few months he's been able to identify a few of his favorite things. For example I can say, "Milo, go and get a book" and sure enough he brings back a book while repeating the sound boo several times.

Never in my pre-baby days did I realize how many simple words begin with the letter B. Ball, book, bottle, block, balloon, baby, bunny, bear, bed, bike, bagel, boat, belly, blue, bathtub, bubble, bus, bird, bee that goes buzzzzzz. Everyday I can count on Milo running around our second floor shouting boo, boo, boo. It could mean any number of things, and unless he is carrying the object or pointing at it, I am usually clueless.

It's been interesting to watch how language development and object identification go hand and hand. I remember thinking he was so smart when he was able to pick out a ball in a room full of toys. (I thought the same thing about my husband when he was able to bring me the Lanasoh instead of the diaper rash cream.) It's amazing how much they change from 9-12 months, and from 13-18 months. Judging from the value of the Scrabble tile, B is not a particularly common letter. Why, then, do some many of Milo's favorite things begin with B?

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