Monday, August 17, 2009


I have a kid, you have a kid, or at least know somebody who does. Well, we all know that kids use diapers! I think they say the average is 10 diapers a day. Let's do some math... 10 diapers a day for 2 years is around 7,000--yikes! While I was pregnant, my cousin sent me a link to I had seen their ads here and there on the web, but had never really investigated it. This simple email referral completely changed the way I buy products for my son Milo.

Diapers, formula, car seats, even shoes.. you can get it all on one website that boasts the internet's lowest prices. Not only do they guarantee the lowest prices, they will ship to you fast (2 days) with any order of $49 or more. Incredible!  There is no need to make a special trip out to the store when you can have a UPS driver deliver right to your front door. That was an unintentional rhyme! 

Here are the reasons why I love them. 
1. I can get my purchase fast so I don't have to worry about running out of the necessities.
2. The referral program rocks. You refer a friend. They get $10 off the first order, and you get $1 every time they re-order. 
3. They take coupons! 
4. I don't have to make a trip to the store or worry about how I am going to overload the stroller to get the stuff home.
5. The boxes the products come in are sturdy and are a great size to store all of the clothes Milo is growing out of at an alarming pace. 

If you need a referral email, or additional reasons you should stop going to the store and start clicking let me know! You can use the link on the left side to start shopping! I love them so much, and they're not even paying me to say it!


  1. I never thought of reason #5...Phoebe needs some storage for all the clothes she has outgrown!

  2. Use coupon code: STACK and save 20% off your entire order at and 15% off at! Free shipping on orders over $25.
