Saturday, August 8, 2009


I am constantly asking myself if my gym membership is worth it. I keep telling myself that I get plenty of exercise, but am I getting the right kind of exercise just walking around town pushing a stroller? My husband keeps preaching cardio. Usually I respond by saying what about the 3 flights of stairs and the 20 pound child? 

I belong to the Washington Sports Club in Columbia Heights. The one and only reason I belong to this club is the babysitting service. I had been a long time member of the JCC until I had Milo. In May I joined WSC (during a promotion), and have gone maybe a dozen times. Shocking I know, twelve times in four months. I'd be curious to know how often all of you are using your gym memberships!

I have two options for going to the gym. Option one is putting Milo down for his morning nap, and riding my bike. This usually happens during the 10:30 yoga class. Option two is taking Milo with me on metro and dropping him in the childcare room. 

Option two has consistently failed. Sad but true, each time I drop Milo there, the caregiver pulls me out of my class because Milo is crying. This was the problem again last night during the 6:00 step aerobics class. Milo starts crying because another child is crying. I don't know whether he is being empathetic or is just scared. I have witnessed this in a variety of settings, not just the gym. I know this is something he'll grow out of, but when?  

I think I'll go back to option one, skip the yoga, and do cardio! With so many machines to choose from (most of which have televisions attached) I can't use the excuse that exercise is boring! Now that I have a plan in place, I am determined to get the most out of my membership.

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